Businesses Need To Do Their Part Too

I’m surely not the only one to think something’s wrong, right?

It’s 2015 and the world is facing important social, economical and environmental challenges. Governments implication in the urging need for worldwide help and support is lacking, but the absence of durable and ethical politics are no reason for businesses to turn their back on the ones who need them.

I believe that at the end of the day, consumers hold the power to change how companies and businesses behave. So when I see one taking advantage of the other’s lack of efforts as an excuse not to do their part, I feel like the spectator of a childish quarrel.

Since I’m not particularly fond of quarrels, I knew I had to get involved and become an actor to change the situation. If you’ve read through our story, you know that we profoundly care to make this world a better place and that’s what motivated us to give back to worthy charities for as long as we exist.

We need to stop pointing fingers at each other and start looking within ourselves for the answers, because they are all there. Businesses have a responsibility to educate their customers and to give them the tools to make an informed decision.

Don’t you believe so?



Oh, so you're the kind of person that reads this bit? I'm just a regular dude who's passionate about science, entrepreneurship and building a better world for future generations.

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