Tell us a little bit more about your project!
Mr.Nokturn is an artist that uses his experience to stimulate cultural development and social engagement. Starting to DJ since only 10 years old around Quebec, he now uses his skillset to develop electronic music and emerging cultures in the Gaspesia peninsula. In an artistic context, Mr.Nokturn associates with many entrepreneurs that share the same vision of success and changes as him.
When or how did you first hear about Nationhats?
Bastien (ndlr: Nationhat's founder) is a long time friend for me, I'm really happy to see this local company encourage the growth of everyone, including people with less experience or budget as well as well known international artists! Often when it's time to speak on the microphone, Mr.Nokturn likes to repeat one of his favorite maxim "Quality over quantity". That's exactly what we're looking for with our branding and we found the perfect partner with Nationhats.
What did you like the most about your experience?
What I liked the most about my experience was the level of collaboration and solidarity the Nationhats team has shown toward my project. The constant research to create a product of better quality and the environmental consciousness around the entire creation process really impressed me.
Would you recommend us to your friends and family?
...and even my dog!

Mission Success!
Learn more about Mathieu D.-B.
The electronic diversity can be felt more and more each year on the nightlife stage. Mr.Nokturn prioritizes ancient art by mixing classical melodies that the population already know with energy of a renewal which gives a rushing urge to know more about underground music. This DJ will make you live a spectacular nightlife experience.
What do you want to do now?